Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Chapter Four - Dealings - cont'd

Does Superman ever get horny?

Stupid thought, James chided herself. Of course he does. He has Lois Lane hanging all over him all the time but she won’t put out so that’s why he can burn things with lasers in his eyes. All that hormonal energy has to go somewhere.

This is not good, she thought as she tried to pick something to wear for a late dinner with Guy. She had started to slowly rebuild her emaciated wardrobe but hadn’t gotten past the jeans and shirts stage. And with all the hot blood pumping through her body, she suddenly missed her girly closet.

She ended up with a black stretchy cami under a white man’s shirt and vintage light blue jeans. Boots, of course. She carefully did her make-up, taking more time than she usually did, aiming for sultry and just about making it.

This is stupid, she thought. He’s your friend. He’s not your lover. He’s not your husband.

Yes, the evil little voice in her head popped in, but that doesn’t mean…

“Go away!” she yelled to the air.

That doesn’t mean you can’t fuck him, the rest of the voices in her head finished the thought.

James strode the living room, feeling like a trapped animal. She still had some time to kill until she was going to meet Guy. She looked at the clock on the mantel, which seemed to be standing still. Frustrated, she opened the front door, meaning to get some air.

Cool air wafted in, causing James to shiver. Instinctively, she reached out and her hands found Guy’s jacket. The leather felt so soft, so warm. She saw no harm in it so she shrugged the jacket on and went outside.

The long walk down the winding drive seemed to help her dispense with some of the demons in her head but not so much with the thrumming of her loins. God, I finally understand the phrase “burning loins” from those stupid romance novels, she thought as she pulled the leather tighter around her. For some reason, having Guy’s jacket wrapped around her shoulders gave her comfort. He wasn’t one to wear cologne or aftershave, yet the leather seemed to retain his scent.

She wrenched open the gate, stepping out on to the street.

Guy was there. She turned, expecting to see him standing right behind her. No one was there. Confused, James searched up and down the street. No sign of her friend but she knew – she knew without a doubt – that he was there. She looked for his car, thinking maybe he had stopped by early to pick her up for dinner instead of meeting her. No car, no Guy.

She wandered a few steps up the street, almost ready to call out to Guy but unsure whether or not she should. After all, if he were there, wouldn’t he say something? Wouldn’t he come up to her?

A bit unnerved, James headed back through the gate. As she eased the wrought iron closed, she checked the street again. The cul de sac was quiet and nothing seemed out of place. James faded into the darkness, making her way back up the drive.

Moments passed before one of the shadows shifted slightly. Green eyes watched her figure wend its way up the hill before turning away and blending into the night.


He’s late, James thought. Guy’s jacket hung on the back of the seat across from her, the faint scent of him mixing with her perfume.

Just then, Guy strolled in, smiling at her, his green eyes flashing with delight. She stood and was welcomed into his open arms.

“Brought your jacket,” James said as she sat down. Something slight shifted in his eyes and he locked with hers.

“You’ve been wearing it, haven’t you?” He smiled an enigmatic smile. James wasn’t sure what to make of this look.

“No, why would I wear it?” She didn’t like lying to him but the sense of his presence and this unprovoked question made her nervous. Was he really there earlier? Why wouldn’t he say something? She forced a smile to her lips. “But I do have a thing for leather, ya know.” She picked up her whiskey and took a big slug of it.

But Guy didn’t sit across from her. He pulled out the chair beside her and sat, reaching over her for a menu. She held her breath, afraid she was going to drag him under the table and have her way with him.

“You okay?”

James just nodded, not trusting her voice.

“I was thinking something different tonight. The oysters here are supposed to be fantastic.” She was suddenly aware of her thigh leaning against his and the warmth created there. She took another slug of her whiskey, making her eyes water.

Just then, the waiter finally made an appearance and took their order. No oysters, thankfully. James didn’t think she could handle that. Guy ordered a martini and signaled for another shot for James before she could say no.

When the waiter strode off to place their order, Guy placed his arm around the back of James’ chair and leaned in and smiled.

“You look great tonight.”

“Thank you.” Wow, I got two whole words out… in a row, James thought. Maybe I will get through tonight without ravaging him.

Then he touched the amulet with his index fingers, sending shivers down her spine. Let the ravaging begin, the evil voices in her head demanded. Shut up, she chastised, hoping he couldn’t read her thoughts.

“This is a really beautiful piece. Did you ever figure out why that old guy gave it to you?”

James shook her head, grabbing the tumbler of amber liquid off the waiter’s tray before he could even get his hand on it. The waiter, without missing a beat, placed Guy’s martini in front of him and left them alone.

“So, how are you? We haven’t had much time to talk alone lately.”

“Fine, good, fine. Things are fine.” She was talking much too fast and her mouth was much too dry. Stop it, he’s your best friend, she chided herself. She took a deep breath, and tried to get ahold of herself.

“It’s good. I love the house. I really needed to start over.”

“It seems to agree with you.”

Hey, did he just check out my breasts? James thought. No, it’s just my imagination.

Guy raised his martini glass in a salute.

“To new beginnings.”

James raised her tumbler, feeling the heat from his thigh against hers rise.

“New beginnings.”


The vision had blood and that’s all she saw before she crashed through the surface of the dream.

Then the pain of too much whiskey replaced the panic of the vision.

“Oh, shit.”

Both hands covered her face, trying to hold her scalp on her head. Wow, she had had a lot to drink the night before.

Blearily, she finally focused on the clock. 6:15 AM. When did she get home? She didn’t remember much after the second toast – to old friends, she thought it was. She remembered thinking Guy had never looked so handsome as he had last night. His hair needed a trim and kept falling into his eyes. He also needed a shave but that only added to how attractive she suddenly had found him.

She peeked down at herself. Still in the black cami but only her sexy black Calvin Klein thong covered her bottom. Or didn’t cover her bottom.

Cautiously, she peered around the room. Her boots were neatly placed near the door, her white shirt hung carefully over a chair. She couldn’t have done that in the shape that she was in.

Gently, she put one foot on the floor. Her head did not explode, so she tried the other one. That one held, too. She eased herself out of bed, grabbed the shirt and wrapped it around her. She noticed a full glass of water and a bottle of aspirin on the table next to the bed.

She knew what she would find before she even opened the door and shuffled into the living room.

Her best friend, still in the clothes from the night before, his husky frame struggling to stay on the very narrow antique couch, his leather coat over him as a blanket. His shaggy brown hair was tousled like a little boy’s and James couldn’t think of a time when he looked sexier. She grabbed a blanket from the closet, gently replaced the coat with it, then stood over him, just watching him for a moment.

You have my heart, she thought, and you don’t even know it.

She leaned over and kissed him sweetly on the forehead. He smiled slightly in his sleep.

“I love you, “ she whispered.

He mumbled something back. She thought it was “I know” but she couldn’t be sure. She closed the door, feeling better than she had in a long time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Adored the sexual tension.... are we really ready for the declaration of love though?

God, you rock....
Can't wait until next time...

1:15 PM  

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